Unlock the power of Vishnumaya Kuttichathan mantra to solve your life problems, achieve prosperity, and remove financial glitches. Devotees who perform the Kuttichathan Seva at Karalapathy Kalari Vishnumaya temple through Vishnumaya Direct will receive Vishnumaya mantra for success in Malayalam or English. They will also receive complete instructions on how to use the vishnumaya kuttichathan mantra for a lifetime success to solve various life problems, achieve prosperity and wealth, and remove financial glitches.
The chanting of the Vishnumaya Kuttichathan mantra has specific conditions based on the individual’s nakshatra. Our professional tantric experts at Vishnumaya Direct provide guidance for chanting the mantra. For more information on the Vishnumaya mantra for success or vishnumaya moola mantram, of Vishnumaya, please contact us via WhatsApp at 91-9043900769.